“Crafts make us feel rooted,give us a sense of belonging and connect us with our history.
Our ancestors used to create these crafts out of necessity,
and now we do them for fun,to make money and to express ourselves.”
~ Phyllis George
Posted by
tia and zita
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
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The Christmas tree is a decorated evergreenconiferoustree, real or artificial, and a tradition associated with the celebration of Christmas or the original name Yule. The Christmas tree is often brought into a home, but can also be used in the open, and can be decorated with Christmas lights (originally candles), ornaments, garlandstinsel during the days around Christmas. An angel or star is often placed at the top of the tree, representing the host of angels or the Star of Bethlehem from the Nativity.
koin koin ini biasanya digunakan pengrajin Bali untuk dijadikan patung atau hiasan lainnya.. tapi bukan cuma itu, koin ini cute bangett untuk dijadikan "aksen" di craft..., monggo dicoba :)
Posted by
tia and zita
Sunday, December 20, 2009
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Birthday Present for my friend, sebuah kaleng dengan isi kerang mutiara... katanya dia dapat yang warna putih. :)
cocok dengan orangnya yang hatinya selalu bersih hehehe.. Happy B'Day yaaa
White Pearls
White pearls are reputed to be a symbol of purity and health.
Black Pearls
Black pearls, while beautiful and somewhat rare have a more sinister meaning. The significance of these is considered to be a sign of darkness and the unknown.
Cream Pearls
Cream colored pearls are considered to be a sign of great success and happiness for the wearer. This is the color you would want to wear when you go to dinner to celebrate a successful presentation at work or one more successful year of wedded bliss.
Silver Pearls
Silver pearls are considered great aids in areas of speech. They are said to help the wearer with patience and give them a desire to continue moving forward when things get tough. They are said to have a very calming and soothing effect on the wearer. You would want to wear this when you are nervous about that big presentation, as they are said to be very helpful for mental and emotional focus.
Gold Pearls
The significance of the Gold or Yellow pearl is wealth. They are said to be a sign of a wealthy person or a person destined to attain great wealth. If you are a person that is seen as on your way to financial freedom or you have attained that lofty goal these pearls would surely show your impending success.
Blue Pearls
The significance of the Blue pearl is thought to be linked to things like truth, tranquility, intuition and trust. It is said that people who wear these are less able to use falsehoods. They are considered to be calmer and more thoughtful than others. Wearers of the blue pearl are thought to be more apt to trust those around them. If you are a trusting, honest, relaxed and intuitive person then blue pearl is the way to go.
Peach Pearls
Peach pearls are linked with those in love or with a loving nature. It shows that a person is devoted to another and also that a person has a loving personality. If you are absolutely in love or you have that generous loving nature this is the pearl you need to have.
Lavender Pearls
The lavender pearl has significance as a pearl of wisdom and love. This pearl is considered to be a great color for leaders, such as royalty and heads of the State.