Posted by
tia and zita
Monday, December 19, 2011
the tree forest
the envelope |
the packaging
the card
christmas card 2011 - special design for HMP Architect
material : paper
card size : 9,5 x 8,5cm
envelope size : 11,5 x 11,5 x 11,5 cm
Posted by
tia and zita
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Baby Knitting
Size/Weight/Dimensions : 6 - 12 months
Materials utilized : 55% nylon, 45% acrylic
Posted by
tia and zita
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
1 o'clock in the morning.. dan masih melek
kemarin pas mama pulang kampung libur lebaran, aye minta bawain kesini kardus isi buku2 cerita waktu SMA dulu.. eh ternyata di kardusnya ada koleksi kertas surat+amplop yang lutchu2 gitu.. dan terseliplah amplop buatan aye waktu kelas 4 sd. Dulu pas bikin pake ketas kado favorit, bikinnya pake gunting apa cutter ya? lupa. Tapi yang pasti rumbai2 nya itu pake gunting, soalnya ngga ada yg sama hehe.., lagian kayanya belum ada inovasi gunting2 yang gelombang gitu (apa karena dikampung, jadi ngga tau ada begituan ya).. haiyaa yang penting jadi...
ini belakangnya
ini depannya
hehe lucu ya..
Posted by
tia and zita
Sunday, September 18, 2011
mystery box by granpa chantani.
I am very lazy to finish this box.
if you look carefully, there are 2 empty spaces .
it's okay lahh.. so i have my own touch in this box,
and I would call it a unfinished mystery box
he he..
thx granpa, thx pak vic
Posted by
tia and zita
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Baby Knitting
Size/Weight/Dimensions : newborn - 3 months
Materials utilized : 55% nylon, 45% acrylic
The Cute Nice Green Version :
Posted by
tia and zita
Sunday, July 3, 2011
no no no.. this actually stool for children.
Because I have no cardboard, so i just make a little one.
You can make your own stool by visit this website and download the pattern,
all you need is a printer, ruler, sharp blades in your preferred cutting knife, glue and time and the large virgin sheets of cardboard
so just do it!
Posted by
tia and zita
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Saya terbiasa mencontek (orang yang ngga mau ngaku mencontek, biasanya bakal bilang TERINSPIRASI). Saya pikir mencontek bukan sesuatu yang selalu negatif, tetapi itu salah satu proses belajar juga. Sejak kecil saya mencontek bagaimana berjalan, bagaimana berbicara, bagaimana dll dll..Termasuk hobi saya yang satu ini :). Post kali ini sy mau bercerita tentang contekan-contekan saya yang selalu membuat saya merindingg, bingungg.. karena ga tau mau mulai darimana menconteknya hehe..
Ryuji Nakamura
Ternyata dia arsitek (pantesannn). Lahir di Nagano 1972. Selesai Kursus Master Arsitektur, Nasional Tokyo Uinversity Seni Rupa dan Musik. Setelah bekerja di Juni Aoki & Associates, didirikan Ryuji Nakamura Arsitek pada tahun 2004.
paper doll yang ajaib..entah gimana bikinnya, takjub!
title: kuma
date: november 2006
site: prismic gallery
function: healing
material: paper
size: 28x21x30cm
a Japanese artist living in France, wong gilo.. yang karyanya bikin cenut2.
paper artist, yang katanya karyanya cuma dibikin pake gunting dan kesabaran.
Kl saya kayanya prefer ke tukang laser cut aja hehe..
Yes, 2 orang japanese.. yang karyanya bikin sakit kepala. So, ayo mulai mencontek! kalau belum bisa, ya nikmati aja dulu.. seperti saya hehe..
I'll be back to review my fave "suhu", c ya
Posted by
tia and zita
Saturday, June 4, 2011
material : 100% Acrylique
size : 12 x 110 cm
Posted by
tia and zita
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Posted by
tia and zita
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
material : 100% Acrylique
size : 17.5 x 168 cm
thanks to Kirsten Hipsky for the pattern.
Posted by
tia and zita
Sunday, February 27, 2011
material : 30% Wool 70% Acrylique
size : 15 x 160 cm
Posted by
tia and zita
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Posted by
tia and zita
Monday, February 14, 2011
material : 55% Acrylic 45% Nylon
Size : 19cm x 155cm
thanks to Monika Steinbauer for the pattern.
Posted by
tia and zita
Monday, February 7, 2011
january - febuary |
march - april
yes, sometimes difficult to find a special gift for someone special. Gift of photographs can be attractive options, especially with different looks. This calendar is one example.
I use a photo for 2 months. There's a hole in each page, so we can see the photos on the page underneath.
material : kappa board, brown hard paper (recycle dari bungkus stationary MUJI),
foto ukuran 2R, paper for watercolour.
size : 12cm x 8cm
Posted by
tia and zita
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Baby Knitting
Size/Weight/Dimensions : newborn
Materials utilized : 55% nylon, 45% acrylic
Posted by
tia and zita
Saturday, January 22, 2011
the more you know human being, the more you love dogs
case |
cover |
folded | | |
pictures |
material : hardboard, kappa board, linmaster
photo size : 4R
Posted by
tia and zita
Monday, January 17, 2011
card size 10 x 10cm
envelope size 12 x 12 cm
material : scrap paper, calligraphy paper, art paper, ribbon